Fruits & Vegetables Locally Grown in Hampstead, MD
Deep Run Farms is a 235 Acre Family-Run Farm Established in 1975
We offer wholesale produce and Community Supported Agriculture which provides a box of our farm fresh produce each week. We operate a roadside farm stand for easy purchase of our fruits and vegetables right at our farm. Visit us at several Farmers Markets around Maryland.

We have a small registered herd of approximately 15 head of elite Hereford Cattle – show heifer and steer prospects available!
Our Farm Fresh Produce
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
CSA is a social economic model of agriculture and food distribution in which growers and consumers share the risks and benefits of food production. You invest in the cost of crop production up front, and we supply you with a box of fresh vegetables every week. There are many advantages of Community Supported Agriculture for participants including:

Maryland Farmers Markets

Our produce is available for purchase at several Farmers Markets in Maryland. Farmers Markets are a great way to eat local produce and invest in the local economy. All produce we sell is picked right on our farm.
Find Us At:
Westminster Farmers Market – Carroll County Ag Center
Saturday, June-Sept
Bel Air Farmers Market
Saturday, Apr-Nov
Catonsville Farmers Market
Wednesday, May-Oct
Roadside Farm Stand
Open Early Summer Through September
9am to 7pm
Come and visit our Roadside Farm Stand and eat super fresh produce, picked at Deep Run Farms in Hampstead, MD. Our stand offers a seasonal based variety of fresh produce including sweet corn, tomatoes, cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, summer squash, zucchini, eggplant, green beans, raspberries, and more.
Serving Carroll County and Baltimore, Maryland with super fresh, truly local produce.